thk thk Tue. 30 Dec. 2008 16:06 tags angry with computer 0 views
I am trying to send a greetings email to many recipients from Thunderbird.
What a nice adventure in the open source world.
And i thought thunderbird was a nice program. But this is why I am not a heavy email user. Don't keep lists , dont send emails to lists e.t.c. .Only the basics.

1. The first annoyment is  because of my mail server's SSL certificate. Every time I open thunderbird says "Invalid ssl certificate...".
I know it is not "valid" because i signed it but I have chosen a million times to accept it dear thunderbird! So wouldn't it be a great idea to put an option that says "accept the certificate permanently " ??????

2. Address lists don't want to make you feel bad. You want to insert in an address list the same email address one million times? No problem for thunderbird. Yes validation is for sissies.

3. You want to create an address list to send emails. Common task. It is not clear whether you have to create a new address book or a new address list?And what to insert in address list ? just email or name and email in the format : John Doe <jonh@mail.com>. I told you validation is for sissies in TB designer's minds.

The adventure continues ladies and gentlemen keep in touch to find when I will finally manage to send the goddamn email.

Yes it is true. Thunderbird does not perform any validation when creating address lists.
There was a malformed address but I had to discover it through the smtp error response from the outgoing email server.
Sad but true.