thk thk Fri. 25 Jun. 2010 0:31 tags linux 0 views
Recently I had some problems with krfb vnc server of kde 3.5.10 in debian lenny 5.0.4.
After diconnecting I was not able to connect back again and I got connection refused messages.
So I am replacing it with tightvncserver.
Let's go:

#disable krfb service if you have enable it
rm ~/.kde/share/config/krfbrc
#install tight vncserver
sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
#give a password for the first time

create vnc startup script:

mkdir -p ~/bin
echo "rm /tmp/.X11-unix/X*" > ~/bin/vnc
echo "tightvncserver -rfbport 5900" >> ~/bin/vnc
chmod +x ~/bin/vnc

modify tight vnc properties
for kde 3 :
echo "/usr/bin/startkde -geometry 80x24+10+10" > ~/.vnc/xstartup
chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup

then edit /etc/rc.local

sudo vim /etc/rc.local

#on the line before exit 0 paste this line ,replace your_username with your username :) , and save

su your_username -c "/home/your_username/bin/vnc"