2 αποτελεσμα(τα)
thk thk Δευ. 14 Σεπ. 2009 14:02 tags javascript , madpy , προγραμματισμός , python 1 views
Forget all the rest.I did not know then or I have not figured .use CDATA declarations if you want to include html in xml.Its so simple..On of the most common things xml is used today is in ajax. Ajax is a method to make a request to an http server through javascript and stands for Asychronous Javasc...
thk thk Τετ. 21 Μαϊος. 2008 4:19 tags javascript , madpy , προγραμματισμός 0 views
If you have visited a blog in kaotonik before, you may have noticed , that few days ago, a read more link was added at the bottom of every blog item , and the the item showed clipped.This is the 'read more' functionality I had been planning to add.But as I am lazy programmer Ι ended up with very gyp...