thk thk Wed. 28 Jan. 2009 13:28 0 views
Svn is givin me hell again. It seems i am gonna be very poor because there is no time to work.I spend all my time trying to solve svn issues. Svn merge is like hell.You have to look at the logs (with svn log) of the files you want to merge and decide which is the right revision to chooose. Last night I accidentally merged with a past revision and .. hell came.
If you d like to undo the last merge, then your best bet is to delete all directories that were merged and do a fresh svn update to get the latest revision in your working copy. This of course means that you  often commit  back to your repo, and you have a recently updated revision there.

Today , svn remembered that it had problems with a greek filename that was added many months ago..
The solution was :
export LC_CTYPE=el_GR.UTF-8
and then svn update or svn commit.

Too much time spent to maintain the code and not writing the code.
I 'd like sometime to try GIT but I do not know how well it intergrates with the other daemon..eclipse..

And by the way:
Today I felt lucky because of running Linux. Next to mine pc had a virus and a friend called with virus problems too.

Sometimes i consider windows impossible to be operated by the average user.