mari@pi mari@pi Πεμ. 9 Απρ. 2009 14:00 tags προγραμματισμός 1 views 2 σχόλια
had(once more again) to massively remove some file extension from files#!/usr/local/bin/python
# Remove extension from my files
# Author: mayia pi 2009
import os

extension = raw_input('enter the extension u want removed ?(without the dot):\n')
ext = '.' + extension
print 'search n destroy ' + ext + ' ...'

n = 0
for fname in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
    if fname[-len(ext):] == ext :
        newfname = fname[:-len(ext)]
        os.rename(fname, newfname)
        print fname + ' renamed ' + newfname
        n +=1
print ' --- ' + str(n) + ' files stripped'
...now i also need a nice ftp script
από mari@pi mari@pi 2009-04-14 10:59
it works! hoooreii
από mari@pi mari@pi 2009-05-06 14:36
reverse ...
# add extention to my files
# Author: mayia pi 2009

import os

extention = raw_input('enter the extention u want added (without the dot):\n')
ext = '.' + extention
print 'adding ' + ext + ' to everything...but .py'

n = 0
for fname in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
    if fname[-2:] <> 'py' :
        newfname = fname + ext
        os.rename(fname, newfname)
        print fname + ' renamed ' + newfname
        n +=1
print ' --- ' + str(n) + ' files renamed '