@ kaotonik.nethomesthksearch
3 result(s)
thk thk Sat. 23 May. 2009 1:45 tags linux , angry with computer 0 views
On my desktop the pc that I also work , nowadays I run linux mint 6.Now that I remember the first linux I installed , suse 9.0 back in 2003 , it seems to me that things were not so buggy then. The thing is with this new (maybe it is now more than one year old ) sound system pulseaudio... Since it w...
thk thk Tue. 30 Dec. 2008 16:06 tags angry with computer 0 views
I am trying to send a greetings email to many recipients from Thunderbird.What a nice adventure in the open source world.And i thought thunderbird was a nice program. But this is why I am not a heavy email user. Don't keep lists , dont send emails to lists e.t.c. .Only the basics.1. The first annoym...
thk thk Tue. 25 Nov. 2008 14:58 tags linux , angry with computer 0 views
Isn't it spastic when an application can do only complex things and not the simple ones?This the case when importing photos to linux. As usual we have 2 dominant applications, one for gnome (f-spot) and on for KDE (digikam). Why linux developers don't copy some things from windows XP? In windows XP ...