thk thk Πεμ. 8 Μαϊος. 2008 17:11 tags λίνουξ , παλιό kaotonik 0 views
by thk last modified 2007-11-26 16:30

Everything to set up ubuntu server 6.10 , with mod_python 3.3.1 compiled from source,postgresql,cheetah,psycopg and php and more more..

apt-get install apache2

apt-get install  apache2-threaded-dev

(includes apxs2 for mod_python)

apt-get install python2.4-dev


apt-get install python2.5-dev

for newer releases)

apt-get install make

compile  mod_python

vi mod_python.load

LoadModule python_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_python.so

enable the module : a2enmod mod_python

a2ensite to enable each virtual host
a2dissite to disable

install postgresql and postgresql-dev
(on newer releases:
apt-get install  postgresql-8.2 postgresql-server-dev-8.2 pgadmin3
search on packages for the right names
aptitude search postgresql

also install php after searching

install psycopg, cheetah from source . Download - follow instructions.

one liner in ubuntu > 7.04
apt get install apache2 apache2-threaded-dev postgresql-8.2 postgresql-server-dev-8.2

To install the latest pgadmin3 1.8.0
On ubuntu 7.10 gutsy
choose a mirror here:

 I live in greece so :

wget -q -O - http://www.pgadmin.org/pgp/archive_key_debian_ubun​tu.gpg| sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb http://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/databases/postgresql/pgadmi​n3/release/ubuntugutsy pgadmin" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pgadmin3

But again no line numbers in SQL editor ... shit.